Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Endings, Beginnings, and In-Betweens

Sunday was a day filled with lots of good work finally getting done. The land we bought was finally cleared of all (or at least, almost all) the junk from the previous owners. It felt so good to see it gone at last. Also, we finished the clean-up of the old house and turned in the key. The picture above is our almost empty living room. I left the chair in case anyone coming to the house needed a place to sit. A nice touch, I thought. We were just crazy exhausted at the end of the day. Sooo tired.

The bad news of the day was that there was a serious communication breakdown between the men who sold us the land and the contractor they used to do the clearing. We told them, quite clearly, that we wanted the chicken coop left on the property. We also told them that we were going to be taking our chickens to live in the coop before we moved onto the property. Well, they must have just forgotten, because when we arrived at the property, the coop was gone. The coop that had three pet chickens in it was just GONE. We saw a good bit of feathers, but nothing else. Gabby, Grandma, and Lucy--just GONE. We all are pretty upset about it, but the land guys are very apologetic and are building us a new coop and paying for more chickens this spring. I guess that's the best they can do.

Meanwhile, we are living with Greg's parents. They are very, very kind, welcoming, accepting, and tolerant, but, boy, are we ever ready to get into our own place! First, they live farther away from town than we used to live (or even than we will live in the country). Also, we have to constantly worry about our cats getting in the way of their dogs. Finally, we just want to be together as a family in our own place (even if it is just a 28 foot camper)! Transitions are hard. We believe that one of the lessons of this entire adventure is patience. Now... if we can just get these events to progress a little faster!

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