Monday, January 17, 2011

Downsides and Upsides

Everyone has been asking the same questions about what we're doing, so I decided to write a blog post addressing most of them. Without a doubt, the first question is always "Are you managing to stay warm?" The answer is a complicated "yes." We are staying very warm, sometimes too warm. The main difference between our cozy camper and a home with a traditional heating system is that we have a difficult time maintaining a level temperature. It fluctuates between 66-76, and we're often turning it down or off or cranking our space heaters up. It's a tiny little annoyance, but we're blessed to be warm and our bills are going to be tiny!

Another big question that has been asked: "Aren't you all tripping over each other and getting angry with each other and just wanting your own space?" For the most part, no. We generally like each other and are a pretty close family already. Greg and I don't often fight or even nag at each other, so that helps. Maddie and Beatrice do fight, but they do that no matter how big or small the size of the home! When someone needs space, they can go back to the back bedroom and close the door. I (Monica) am the one that the closeness bothers a teeny bit sometimes--especially when my little one is climbing on me. As soon as I can get out in the garden, though, even that will have a solution! (And truthfully, I got those feelings when we lived in a "regular" house!)

"What are the downsides?" There are a few. #1--Getting ready in the morning is much more difficult. We're going to have to give ourselves two solid hours, I'm afraid. Tomorrow is the first day of classes at the college we teach at, so stay tuned to hear how it goes! #2--It's REALLY hard to be patient! We want the grass NOW, the garden NOW, the driveway paved NOW, and we wouldn't mind having the yurt NOW! Unfortunately, these things take money and timing also depends on pesky things like weather. Currently, we are swimming in mud and would love to lay some sod, but we have to wait for it to dry up a bit. One of the saddest questions we get is when people get confused and ask us how we're enjoying our yurt. We have to break the news to them that we're only saving for the yurt right now and meanwhile, we're living in a CAMPER! That always produces a look of mixed horror and disbelief.

And the final downside is simply adjusting to the lack of close restaurants and good grocery stores. That would be difficult, though, even if we had moved to a mansion in the country. It's an adjustment. We'll adjust.

OK, upsides!! #1--Feeling ownership and independence. This cannot be overstated. If you have rented or even if you are swimming under a big mortgage, you know what I mean! Also, we are giddy with joy over what we can do with the land--so many choices! #2--Movie time! We have been watching lots of movies we've always meant to watch. It gives us something to do after Beatrice goes to bed and makes us forget that we don't have much room. #3--Simplicity, baby! Things don't get lost very easily, we can have a conversation at normal voice levels no matter how far apart we are in the camper, and our bills are SO much lower! Between rent and bills, we're saving over $1000 a month! #4--We've discovered that we are really changing minds and informing others of options. We didn't expect this. It's kinda cool. We've even decided to start a "Yurt Club of Arkansas!"

Most of all, we really want Spring to hurry. We did this move at the absolute worst time of the year. Our first two weeks are Arkansas' two coldest weeks! It would have been SO much easier in a milder time of year. Bring on those mild Arkansas Spring days--their beauty will be greatly appreciated by these "Two Tramps in Mud-time" and their two baby tramps!

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